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Excel Convert Files From English To Vietnamese and Vietnamese To English Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Convert MS Excel files from English to Vietnamese and vice versa.
type: Shareware ($19.99)
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categories: vietnamese, translation, Vietnam, french, latin, Southeast Asia, words, foreign, french, north, south, proofreading, interpreting, data processing in other fields, hanoi, laos, cambodia, Socialist Republic, Indochina Peninsula, china, war, viet |
Excel Convert Letters To Phone Numbers Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Convert letters to corresponding phone keypad numbers in MS Excel.
type: Shareware ($19.99)
View Details
categories: conversion, alpha, alphabet, letter, num, fone, numbers, number, phones, phrase, calculator, calc, translating, how to, to in, spell, into, text, software, application, tools, programs, words, telephone, keys, keypads, dial |
Excel Count Frequently Used Phrases Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Count the number of times specified phrases occur in multiple Excel files.
type: Shareware ($19.99)
View Details
categories: phrase counter, repeated phrasing counting, count used words, group of words, set of words, word combination, search engine optimization, seo, cluster of word, frequently, frequent use, analyze, analysis, finder, counts, writers, way of speaking |
Excel Date Format Change Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Change how the position of months, days and years appear in dates in MS Excel.
type: Shareware ($19.99)
View Details
categories: changing, formatting, formats, date, data, xls, before jan 1 1900, storing, international, national, foreign translation, month names, year, day, converter, converting, convert, stamp, style, dates, importing, exporting, import, export |
Excel Delete Rows or Columns Based On Cell Content Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Remove entire rows or columns that contain or match specified text.
type: Shareware ($19.99)
View Details
categories: entire, entirely, part, some, vba, column, criteria, range, empty cells, based, one, record, worksheets, content of cell, contents, cols, column, row, removal, selection, contains, containing, remove, removing, deleting, clearing, clear |
Excel Edit Formulas Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Change formulas in one or more MS Excel files. Excel 2000 or higher required.
type: Shareware ($19.99)
View Details
categories: editing, formula, cell, reference, spreadsheet, multiple, many, button, bar, workbook, worksheet, sheet, show, showing, finding, find, insert, select, data, office, addin, addon, functions, array, advanced, help, macro |
Excel Edit Properties Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Change title, subject, author, manager, company category, keywords and comments.
type: Shareware ($19.99)
View Details
categories: meta data, metadata, title, subject, author, manager, company category, keywords, comments, property, summaries, doc, xls, 2000, 2003, 2007, office, workbook, worksheet |
Excel Employee Shift Schedule Template Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Create templates for employee shift schedules in MS Excel.
type: Shareware ($4.99)
View Details
categories: employees, keeping track of employees hours, employee's time, time card, jobs, shifts, quarter, half days, employeer's employing, employers, attendance, pay, same, rates, rate, different, hourly, used, personal, times, scheduler, payment, night, day |
Excel Equipment Inventory List Template Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Create templates for equipment inventory lists in MS Excel.
type: Shareware ($4.99)
View Details
categories: creating, creation, home, work, commercial, forms, accounting service department, data, annual, asset, item, accountant, management, property, school, finance, detailed, itemized list, report, or record, possession, goods, stock, survey, materials |
Excel Expense Report Template Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Create expense report templates in MS Excel. Excel 2000 or higher required.
type: Shareware ($4.99)
View Details
categories: travel, traveling, business form, document, employee, manager, corporate, budget, paid, expenditures, templat, tmplate, hotel, transport, lodging, transportation, phone, meals, entertainment misc, department, statement, account, dates, keep track of |
Excel Export To Multiple CSV Files Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Save one or more MS Excel files to CSV (comma-separated values) files.
type: Shareware ($19.99)
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categories: export excel files to csv, exporting xls to csvs, exporting xlsx to csv, convert excel to csv, excel to comma separated values, export excel to csv format, create a csv from excel files, delimiter, quotes, excel csv exporter |
Excel Extract Document Properties Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Extract the metadata/properties in multiple Excel files.
type: Shareware ($19.99)
View Details
categories: extract property in xls file, extract file properties in excel, workbook, sheets, worksheets, within folder, data, information, info, title, author, subject, keywords |
Excel Extract Numbers and Characters From All Cells Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Extract alphabet, numeric, alpha-numeric or non-alpha-numeric cells in MS Excel.
type: Shareware ($19.99)
View Details
categories: extracting, msexcel, filter, one, many, spreadsheets, extraction, char, num, containing, only, inside, within, with, into, different, columns, rows, many, several, files, sheets, used, blanks, searching, changing, values, from, text, last |
Excel Extract Phone Numbers From Multiple Files Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Extract phone numbers inside MS Excel files.
type: Shareware ($19.99)
View Details
categories: extracting phone numbers from xls file, xlsx, extractor, phone number, cells nums, numbs, cells, cellphone, excel cell phone number extraction software, retrieving ph. num., ph number getter, get, parsing, parse, within, from |
Excel Family Monthly Budget Planner Template Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Create family budget templates in MS Excel. Excel 2000 or higher required.
type: Shareware ($4.99)
View Details
categories: budgeting, families, home, household, save, savings, tools, calculator, build, tips, living, income, one, two, analyze, templates, excel, xls, inflows, personal, expenses, revenues, money, cash, financial, finances, funds, costs, assets, capital |
Excel Family Tree Chart Template Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Create a family tree chart in MS Excel.
type: Shareware ($4.99)
View Details
categories: creating family trees, family tree diagram, lineage, maker, creator, creation, family history, histories, genealogy, genealogies, ancestory, ancestry, genes, parents, grandparents, great grandparents, book, creator, kids, adults, graphical, printable |
Excel Find and Replace In Headers and Footers Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Find and replace within the header and footer of multiple Excel files.
type: Shareware ($19.99)
View Details
categories: find and replace in excel headers, find and replace in excel footers, find and replace headers xls, replacing in excel footers, replacement in excel header |
Excel Fitness and Weight Loss Chart Template Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Create a fitness and weight loss chart in MS Excel.
type: Shareware ($4.99)
View Details
categories: health chart, weightloss, tracker, center, workout, journal, logs, printable, blank, templates, creating, tracking, weigh, weighs, diet, spreadsheets, sheets, daily, tracker, calorie counter, strength, training, plans, training, calculator, track |
Excel Format Multiple Files At Once Based On One Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Format multiple Excel files in the same format as one file.
type: Shareware ($19.99)
View Details
categories: formatting multiple excel files, format many xls files with one style, kind of format, format multiple xls files with same formatcopy format from one file to another, transfer formatting of one excel file to another xls file, import styles from |
Excel Fuzzy Compare and Match Duplicates Software 7.0 download by Sobolsoft
Highlight cells with similar letters in one or more MS Excel files.
type: Shareware ($19.99)
View Details
categories: approximate string matching, pattern, similar, close, almost, between two text strings, closely, resembles, quite, not exact, about, approximately, nearly, around, just about, not, verge, relatively, practically, comparing, contrast, find, finding |
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Software piracy is theft, using crack, warez passwords, patches, serial numbers, registration codes, key generator, keymaker or keygen for licence key is illegal. The above Sobolsoft items are freeware or software in full, demo and trial versions for free download. Download links are directly from our mirrors or Sobolsoft website, torrent files or shared files from rapidshare, yousendit or megaupload are not allowed! |