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Navigation: Home \ Vista Drivers \ Graphics Board \ Nvidia \ NVIDIA Notebook GeForce Graphics Driver 372.90 64-bit

NVIDIA Notebook GeForce Graphics Driver 372.90 64-bit

Download NVIDIA Notebook GeForce Graphics Driver 372.90 64-bit

Scan & auto update all outdated drivers on your PC


Driver Description:
... 1080][NVIDIA Ansel] NvCameraConfiguration utility UI doesn't show NVCamera status as 'Disabled' after disabling it from the UI. [200236561] You can still disable NVCamera from the NvCameraConfiguration.exe command line.

- [GM204] GeForce Experience unable to retrieve current settings and launch Quantum Break game. [1805041]

- [367.77, WDDM 2.1] Driver install/overinstall requires reboot. [1757931]

- [SLI, GP104] Installer prompts for reboot during express overinstall of 372.69 driver on 372.54. [200231806]

- [SLI, GeForce GTX TITAN] Mirror's Edge Catalyst flickers for a few seconds after Alt+F2 is used to open the Ansel UI. [200231742]

- [SLI, GeForce GTX TITAN] The Mirror's Edge Catalyst Intensity slider is set to 100 after Alt+Tab. [200231737]

- [SLI, Geforce GTX TITAN] Mirror's Edge Catalyst severe stutter is observed when the mouse is moved around with Ansel UI open. [1804954]

- [SLI, Geforce GTX 980M] Mirror's Edge Catalyst flickers on Ansel UI when image moved with mouse pointer. [1805007]

- [SLI, No Man's Sky] Huge performance drop after interaction with starships if SLI is enabled. [200231722]

- [GM204] Quantum Break window either remains blank or freezes in game scene in windowed mode. [1804910]

- Assassins Creed - Syndicate shows intermittent flickering black or white patches on game character faces. [200211264]

- [Surround] Surround Display icon disappears after rotate mode set to portrait. [200201040]

- [SLI] Street Fighter V performance drop (pause and play) observed when the game is played at 4K resolution with SLI enabled. [200172046]

- [SLI] Blank display is observed on disabling SLI with two displays connected. [200168702]

- [Luxmark 3.0] Display driver stopped responding while running benchmark LuxBall HDR (Simple Bechmark:217K triangles). [200153736]

- [347.09, GM204] Blank screen observed on an ASUS Tiled display when system resumes from shutdown or hibernation with Fast boot option enabled from BIOS. [1591053]

Windows 8.1 Known Issues:


Driver Info
Best Vista Download periodically updates driver information of NVIDIA Notebook GeForce Graphics Driver 372.90 64-bit from the manufacturer, but some information may be out-of-date. You should confirm all information.
Download of NVIDIA Notebook GeForce Graphics Driver 372.90 64-bit Vista driver is directly from our mirrors or manufacturer's website, torrent files or shared files from rapidshare, yousendit or megaupload are not allowed!
Website: Nvidia homepage
Released: September 21, 2016
Filesize: 334.90 MB
System: Windows Vista 64 bit / 7 64 bit / 8 64 bit / 8.1 64 bit

Top status Vista drivers in Nvidia drivers

NVIDIA Notebook GeForce Graphics Driver 372.90 driver
... 1080][NVIDIA Ansel] NvCameraConfiguration utility UI doesn't show NVCamera status as 'Disabled' after disabling it from the UI. [200236561] You can still disable NVCamera from the NvCameraConfiguration.exe command line. - [GM204] ...
Driver Details Driver Download
NVIDIA GeForce Graphics Driver 372.90 driver
... 1080][NVIDIA Ansel] NvCameraConfiguration utility UI doesn't show NVCamera status as 'Disabled' after disabling it from the UI. [200236561] You can still disable NVCamera from the NvCameraConfiguration.exe command line. - [GM204] ...
Driver Details Driver Download
NVIDIA Notebook GeForce Graphics Driver 372.90 64-bit driver
... 1080][NVIDIA Ansel] NvCameraConfiguration utility UI doesn't show NVCamera status as 'Disabled' after disabling it from the UI. [200236561] You can still disable NVCamera from the NvCameraConfiguration.exe command line. - [GM204] ...
Driver Details Driver Download